Stop Dreaming

& see for yourself

Svs Photography

Give hard work the right recognition

Automotive Stills

embody the soul from a visual perspective


Share an event with the world

Event Coverage

Showcase your vehicle in action

Track Days

Enjoy a moment with nature


The Vision of SvS

Two of the most important aspects in the voyage of life are time and light. We are surrounded by them constantly as they influence the ever passing moments in our reality. Now what if those aspects could be manipulated to capture reality in its abundant form? That is the richness of photography. It's free and capable of more than we see from our own eyes. It draws attention to the little things inside of the big. It shows us that we can slow down and take in the world that surrounds us full-heartedly. SvS Photography is about finding that perfect time and light to ensure that moment is more than a memory, but a feeling in the soul to look back on for a lifetime.

-Susan Stauffer